
How To Stop Condensation in Your Loft

Because loft spaces are so common for homes in the UK, so is loft condensation. A loft is a desirable feature for homes both new and old, because it presents the opportunity to store items we don’t use very often (think Christmas trees, old CDs and suitcases). But condensation in your loft is a serious issue you need to think about.

Why is loft condensation bad?

It’s because the moisture that lingers in your loft can lead to mould spores forming. This is a health hazard in itself, increasing your chances of respiratory issues, but is also likely to create a stale smell. It can damage furniture and any nondurable items such as clothes, but worse still, the damp environment can lead to rot in the timber of your roof.

It’s often a slow accumulation of mould, damp and general deterioration that is hard to spot, but it can cause significant damage and even jeopardise the structural integrity of your home.

This month at Loft Storage Rooms, we’re going to talk through how you can spot the signs, what the causes are and how to stop loft condensation.

How do I know if I have condensation in my loft?

Dark and infrequently used, you might find it hard to know whether you have condensation in your loft. It’s more likely to arise as an issue in autumn and winter months when the outside temperature has dropped, usually because condensation occurs when warm, humid air hits cold surfaces. Here are the signs that you have a problem with condensation that needs addressing in your attic space:

  1. Damp – if any part of your loft becomes damp to the touch, whether it’s the beams, the loft flooring or the underside of your membrane, this is likely condensation.
  2. Smell – if a stale, musty smell hits when you enter the loft, that’s a sign you’ve got mould spores forming somewhere in the space.
  3. Mould – visible signs of mould, either fuzzy green or black spots, means that you absolutely have a condensation and ventilation issue.

If your loft features windows, you will also likely see condensation form on the glass, much like you would in other rooms in the house. 

How To Stop Condensation in Your Loft

What causes loft condensation?

The answer to the question of what causes condensation in the loft can be varied, but here are some of the factors that can combine to create this problem:

  • Insulation restricts natural air flow – your loft needs to breathe, but because we’ve become keener on retaining the warmth, an unfortunate side effect is that homes have become sealed off from the loft.
  • Your roof vents are blocked – closely connected to your insulation, your roof vents offer a chance for the space in your loft to be ventilated, so if these are covered or not fitted properly, you’ve cut off another route for fresh air to circulate and remove moisture.
  • Hot water tanks releasing steam – some homes still have a hot water tank in the loft, which can sometimes release warmth and steam into the space. This is not an ideal situation as the damage from this can build over time.
  • Overfilling the space – throwing everything unused up into the loft might seem like a smart idea, but if you overfill the space without thought, you don’t leave enough room for an exchange of air to take place.
  • Heat and moisture from the house below – often related to poorly insulated loft hatches, the heat and steam from things like showers and baths below your roof space can contribute to warm air and moisture building.

How to stop condensation from forming in the loft

Now you know the causes of condensation forming in your loft, you can begin to combat it. Here are some key loft condensation solutions you can implement to eliminate, or at least minimise, the risk:

  • Make sure your insulation is fitted correctly – professional installation of loft insulation can help to improve thermal efficiency, but you can also ask about which materials will best suit your home. This, coupled with adequate ventilation, will ensure you don’t lose heat but that air can circulate normally.
  • Uncover vents by moving the items blocking them – a really simple thing you can do to increase airflow for your loft space is to ensure your vents aren’t covered, both inside and outside.
  • Allow for airflow by rearranging and spacing your boxes – if you’ve jumbled and piled up your possessions, try rearranging them and leaving room between items to promote a better flow of air around the space.
  • Put in additional vents – still finding your loft gets condensation? Try adding additional vents to help with breathability.

When it comes to getting your loft insulation and loft flooring right, it’s always recommended that you seek professional assistance, as this will lower the chances of loft condensation occurring. At Loft Storage Rooms, we have many years of expertise from working in lofts across the UK – including Cambridge, Harlow and London – so we know a thing or two about how to get the best from your loft space without issues like condensation. 

If you have a damp loft in winter and need professional help with insulation or turning your space into a usable storage room, simply contact us today.
